3301 Neely Ave. Midland, TX 79707 | 432-694-4308

The Seventh Principle of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations states:  We affirm and promote respect for the interdependent web of existence of which we are a part. In support of our Seventh Principle, here are a few ways the UUCOM is fulfilling the mission of “promoting environmentally sustainable” practices.

Green Sanctuary
worship and forums

In addition to our annual worship in honor of Earth Day, environmental awareness is an ongoing theme in our Sunday reflection.

Church consciousness of living green has been raised through numerous services and forum topics such as How Green is your Chocolate, The High Cost of Healthy EatingBuying Local, Organic ProduceThe Economics of Environmental ConcernsWalking and Hiking in West Texas, Reflections from the Garden, and Watering Issues to name a few. UU children’s classes include environmental subjects such as composting, plant life cycles, recycling and more.

Sustainability and Recycling

Kitchen volunteers use washable dishes for most events. Through green housekeeping supplies, soy candles, a new church sign made from local rock, an in-house Green Library, thermostats at an energy efficient temperature and more, the UUCOM is an example of ongoing green practice in everyday practical ways.

Containers for plastic and paper are provided in the church.

Our beautiful gardens utilize many principles of xeriscaping, and in our raised beds beneath our pergola, we typically grow vegetables and herbs – often planted and maintained by our children.

UUCOM Xeriscaping
Community Involvement

Many of our recycling/conservation efforts reach out to other neighbors in our community. We have hosted garage sales to help recycle gently used goods. Our church children create valentines asking for environmentally friendly products to benefit our local women’s shelter plus the children participate in Keep Midland Beautiful trash pick ups.

Keep Midland Beautiful I-20 Nature Preserve Clean Up

We hope this description of our environmental sustainability Green Sanctuary program will encourage you to join us in our efforts. For more information, please contact the church office.

volunteer gardening